Every furnace comes with a particular energy rating. The energy rating is usually found marked on the outside of the furnace, which can show you how much money and energy you are saving. But what about filters - can they also lend a hand in saving you money on your energy bills?
At Duraflow Filtration, we design our filters for peak energy-saving performance. But how does a filter assist with saving you energy and money? This question is based on multiple factors. For instance, the filter rating will make a difference in how much energy your furnace will draw out.
Suppose you have a good quality air filter, like the MERV filters. In that case, your filter captures smaller particles, resulting in more energy usage over time. The higher the MERV rating on your filter, the smaller the particle your filter will capture. Your filter will move less air because the filter is restricting the airflow within your furnace.
The question of whether you want to save energy is based on how small the particles you wish your filter to capture. As explained above, the higher the MERV rating, the smaller the particles your filter will capture. As a result, your furnace uses more energy when your filter is grasping smaller particles.
We recommend using a higher MERV-rated furnace filter if you suffer from severe allergies, get sick more frequently, or are sensitive to airborne contaminants. Staying above a MERV 8 is best for capturing these smaller particles.
The best filter for you depends on many factors. Let our professionals handle these tough decisions. Contact us today or view our website for more information.