Who doesn’t want to live in a clean and healthy home? In today’s article, we share five tips for keeping your home cleaner and healthier. See how the simple things — like wiping down your shower, swapping out your air filters and creating a cleaning routine — can make a huge difference for your home.
There are several household cleaning solutions that don’t involve chemicals. Use baking soda and crystalline soap for deep scrubbing. Use hot water with soap and/or a splash of vinegar for everyday cleaning. If you don’t want to create your own home remedies, purchase all-natural, chemical-free cleaning products.
Regular mold inspections can keep you from getting sick and save you money on mold removal. Check for leaks in your roof, basement or anywhere moisture might gather. Make sure your attic is properly ventilated. Turn on your air vent in the bathroom when you take a shower or bath. It’s also a good idea to clean your shower after every use to prevent soap scum and mold build up.
The air filters in your house remove germs, smoke and other contaminants from the air. Regularly wipe away any dust or debris that build up on your air filtration units. Periodically replace the air filters in your microwave, furnace, range hood and other ventilation systems. Ignoring your air filter maintenance could have severe consequences on your health and cleanliness.
Establish a regular cleaning routine and stick to it. Try and complete a few chores everyday so your home is always in clean and healthy condition. Basic tasks for your cleaning routine include:
Don’t be caught off guard by an accidental fire. Install a working smoke detector in your kitchen, bedrooms and on every floor of your home. Be aware of potential carbon monoxide leaks in your home. You can’t smell or see carbon monoxide, so a carbon monoxide detector is your only option. Regularly change the batteries in both these devices.
What do you do to keep your home clean and healthy? Have a tip to share? Let us know in the comments below!
Duraflow Filtration provides air filters and air filtration services to consumers and commercial clients. We’re based in Wakeman, Ohio, and serve customers worldwide via our online store. Contact us if you have any questions or need a custom air filtration solution for your home or business.